Songs and music from South America

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South American

[...] "LOS KOYAS is a group of excellent musicians who perform all of the songs of the South American continent.
The panorama is particularly colourful and diverse, performed to perfection.
What a great moment of music that concert was! I will happily go to hear the LOS KOYAS group again in Monaco!"


[...] "There are only five of them from four different countries in South America, but they play fifteen instruments. To the rhythm of multiple combinations, they achieve the impossible of representing all of Latin American and in a concert of two hours are able to show the thousand facets of folklore and music in this continent with a hundred faces."

[...] "Rarely have I felt to this degree, through the entire evening without the tension going down for a second, what it means to say the word celebration.
No doubt the cheerful presence of the group, where nothing is affected or pretentious. Colourful ponchos on a white shirt and black pants.
A program with great variety.
But above all, a life and rhythms that brought the house down with applause and clapping."


All of Latin America in
music and song

And also:
LOS KOYAS play La Misa Criolla.

Latin and South-American Music with LOS KOYAS
The five musicians and solo singers of the LOS KOYAS group perform on stage the most beautiful melodies of 12 Latin American countries, from the Andes to Cuba.

New CD !

"El condor pasa", "La bamba", "Guantanamera", "Che Guevara"
and many other tunes known round the world bear witness of the public’s incredible craze for music from Latin America and for Latin rhythms.
But the numerous international hits of Latin American music are little when compared with the extraordinary diversity of Latin America with its lively and festive music or its traditional popular music.

Among the artists who have contributed to the spread of this music and made its influence felt, the LOS KOYAS group stands out. Created in 1970, it won the same year, with ‘El condor pasa’ on the Barclay label, its first great success in a long series, establishing its high-quality performance of a repertoire drawn from the very sources of 12 Latin American countries.

Composed of five musicians and solo singers, the LOS KOYAS group offers an incredibly rich show on stage with an entirely new twist: a unique repertoire of the most beautiful and previously unknown themes from South American folklore and Latin American music.

Indian flutes, music from the Andes, Cuban and Venezuelan rhythms, mariachi and la pampa songs, Colombian "cumbias", Indian harp solos and Indian guitars… With LOS KOYAS, we discover the thousand and one treasures of this music from around the world, from the Andes to the origins of Salsa.

A video that shows LOS KOYAS  playing South American music.
- View more video extracts of Latin American music by Los Koyas
- audio sample of South American and Latin American music by Los Koyas
(extracts from records and public recordings)

- listen to more audio extracts of South American and Latin American music by Los Koyas
- sample video of a recording made in public
(to view the video, click on the logo that corresponds to your media player)

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  South American and Latin American music, songs and rhythms from all of Latin America, music from around the world. The Latin American group LOS KOYAS puts on a lively musical performance for all publics with the haunting sonorities of music from the Andes, the dancing rhythms of the tropical regions of Latin American, the festive mood of mariachis from Mexico, the Indian flutes, harps and guitars of South America, the most beautiful songs from 12 countries of the new continent and a selection of the great Latin American successes in a service to this music from around the world.
[ Misa Criolla ] [ Quena-quenas ] [ El condor pasa ] [ Voyage en Amérique latine ]